3 Reason Why NYC App Developers Need to Up Their Mobile App Development Practices for Android Oreo

It is time for NYC app developers to up their mobile application development practices. The launch of Android Oreo has made it clear. A lot of eager-beavers like me have already been waiting for a long time to get the feel of Android Oreo’s personality. Let’s know the reasons why mobile app development companies now need to advance their app development practices because of Oreo. Picture-in-Picture Mode This is one of main reasons. Android Nougat came with native-split screen function last year. With this functionality, Android Oreo will certainly help users perform multitasking without and interruptions. It works automatically and interruptions. This is something that makes it amazing. It is actually much more powerful than explained here. Native Auto-Fill Functionality: A lot of suggest smartphone users to buy android based smartphones because the introduction of Android Oreo will really help them stay signed to multiple services at the sa...