Why Current Centralized Social Media Networks Need to Embrace Blockchain for Survival

Blockchain technology development is now taking the social media by storm. Constant Technology advancements are bringing a number of the domain of Cryptocurrency and social media. As a result, Social media is now on the verge of complete decentralization. Even Cryptocurrency is about to get social. Blockchain-based social media platforms are decentralized. Even social media Cryptocurrency will be decentralized. In simple words, it means that social media Cryptocurrency and decentralized social media platforms are ready to be the future of social media and digital finance. The emergence of following social media platforms proves it: Obsidian Messenger Nexus Indorse Synereo Steemit Even the release of first-ever social media Cryptocurrency by ECC (Entrepreneur Clem Chambers) indicate towards. All this will definitely determine the future of centralized social media platforms because they use users’ private information for ...