Here Is What You Need To Know About

Google released the newest version of one of the most used JavaScript frameworks, Angular, in November last year. From the time of its launch, the new version of the framework has been liked by most of the experts engaged in AngularJS mobile app development.

And the reason is the set of all new features introduced in the new version of this framework. Here is a list of some of these features that make Angular 5 a suitable framework for your next development project:
  • Google released the newest version of one of the most used JavaScript frameworks, Angular, in November last year. From the time of its launch, the new version of the framework has been liked by most of the experts engaged in AngularJS mobile app development. 
  • And the reason is the set of all new features introduced in the new version of this framework. Here is a list of some of these features that make Angular 5 a suitable framework for your next development project: 
  • Angular 5 is upgraded to be well-suited for generating sets of highly optimized codes. Thus, you can now generate codes for JavaScript Virtual Machines. The developers can also render views by way of minimal code. This has been made possible by the automatic code splitting feature of the new Component Router.  
  • With the help of the Build Optimizer in the new version of the framework, it is easy to remove the unnecessary code from any application. 
  • The Angular 5 is good news for any AngularJS web development company because the new framework allows the creation of desktop apps just the way the web apps were created earlier. Thus, the creation of apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux got easier. 
  • The Angular 5 has a set of some amazing templates that can be used when it comes to the development of UI designs with a minimal code.
  • With the introduction of the improved API in the new Angular 5, it is now easier to create even the complex animations. 
  • With all these features and a lot more, it has been seen that Angular 5 is here with a bang to change the meaning of the old-school HTML front-end development. With this version of the framework, the limitations of the HTML-based web development have been curbed to a great extent. Thus, it is one of the best-suited JavaScript frameworks of its time. 
With all these features and a lot more, it has been seen that Angular 5 is here with a bang to change the meaning of the old-school HTML front-end development. With this version of the framework, the limitations of the HTML-based web development have been curbed to a great extent. Thus, it is one of the best-suited JavaScript frameworks of its time. 


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